A Lost Factor-Jasmine's Story







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A Lost Factor

A Lost Factor-Jasmine's Story

Bonus Chapter 5-Daring Demi-Dimensional Dilemmas

She'd lost track of time a long time ago. Or at least time in her own home. Which, she had no idea where in the world that was. So if she didn't know where home was, or when home was, and she definately knew home wasn't a who, and knew home was a home, so she had the what, why was she worried about home?

The little ghostlike, fairy digimon floated down the hall, creeped out by the fancy hospital appearance and overly scientific feel to the place. She hadn't seen any humans here, which was good. Except unless there weren't humans, in which case there might be digimon. That could be fun unless they ate her. Then she'd have a little bit of trouble. But just a little. Not like they would really eat her, would they?

She shook her head, trying to get such silly thoughts out of her head. But, it was impossible; she was who she was. As her friends said, 'consistently inconsistent'. Or at least most said that. Jenni just said she was Hidimon, and Brian never said anything except getting mad. Okay, maybe he had a good reason to, based on how often she'd sit on people's heads in ghost mode, so they couldn't touch her. But Jenni let her do that, so why not them?

She smiled, suddenly hearing something. She flew to the noise, finding a group of kids being spoke to by some grownup. She turned herself invisible, and went inside the room. Although the kids were digidestiend. She didn't know how she knew that, even though they all had digimon. They all wore white uniforms with blue trim, looking all spiffy. Only one who didn't was a girl standing away from the group, with no digimon and no uniform. She left, cranky. Hidimon decided to not peek in her mind to find out why, she was more interested in random kids. Now being told they have to go to another dimension. Fun. She'd been doing a lot of that lately.

The adult guy talking to them started pushing random buttons on a big computer in the room. It was really cool, with all sorts of buttons and clicky things. Kinda like other clicky things on the toys Jenni and the others had at home, but a lot smaller. She got the feeling that the computer was going to do something, so she actually tried to focus. She watched as the kids and the random digimon with them disappeared into a big swirly hole in the air. The adult guy turned off the computer and walked out of the room, in the same door the pouting kid had gone.

Hidimon became visible, and sat on the computer, thinking. This had worked in just the same way as the D-Porter she had did. Go to other worlds. No idea where the kids went. She spun around and started pushing random buttons on the computer. A map appeared, with spots to put labels. Smiling, she began to type in where she had been, where she was going, what she was up to, where she wanted to go. She noticed that she started to get a bit silly, but it didn't matter. She clicked the final dot, and started looking for a print button, not that she needed a paper copy. Just a habit learned from the humans. She couldn't find that but she did see an email button. She typed in a random email she knew, not remembering who in the world's it was. She clicked send, and off it went.

A warning message appeared on the screen the moment after she clicked send. She turned invisible as she read the message. "Problems in this dimensional region, unnatural overlapping, possible dimensional damage..." she read to herself. She clicked the button, showing a close up picture of the map. It showed some dimensions all mixed up. It didn't make one bit of sense to her. So she just clicked okay. It'd be okay if she avoided that place. A new screen popped up. "That option is unavailable. Can only be changed by administration-Cake." she read, and smiled. Cake. Cake tasted good, back at home. Lots of different flavors. It was also the nickname one friend had for another, Gateau Wazumi. He was fun, and didn't taste like cake. She also thought she might like him but still forgot why since she wasn't human. No idea why he'd be involved in this dimension. She activated her little D-Porter and became visible, now interested in finding either Cake or cake. Either way, it'd be fun. Who wanted to be boring and worry about dimensional administrators. Plus, she got the feeling that the adults now staring at her were thinking she caused this problem and maybe she didn't, but still time to go. Maybe find some foreign cake to bring home to Cake. She waved to the people, and poofed though the portal as it closed behind her.

A Lost Factor-Chapter 16-Connective Reflections