A Lost Factor-Jasmine's Story







Digimon Guide


A Lost Factor

A Lost Factor-Jasmine's Story

Chapter 19-Cake Batter

Suddenly, Gateau Wazumi came tumbling down the stairs, unconscious.

"Ummm..." Rita yelled from upstairs. "I think now we'll both need a new Game Boy..."

Jasmine stepped back towards the wall. "He...was already here?" she whispered to herself. She turned to Alan, getting into her bag. "Alan, you go, take this, he won't know you have it," she said in a rush, handing him a notebook. "It's my digital notes, the ones I don't think he knows. I shouldn't need them for now, I know where to find you. I can't help but be stuck in the digital stuff, my friends were here first."

She leaned over to look at Wazumi, and stepped back, almost scared. "He's..." she stopped herself before saying he's illusioned. He wasn't the way he usually was, but these two didn't know about illusions, or Realemon, or barely any of the digital stuff. There's no way for me to really beat him, or any of the illusions... "He's not going to be nice when he wakes up, you two should get outta here."

"Really...?" Rita said smugly, walking down the stairs with two long wooden boards. She tossed one to Alan. "We'll just knock some sense into him when he wakes up."

Alan caught the board. "What's wrong with just talking it over with him...?"

"What kinda wuss would go and do a thing like that?!?" Rita exclaimed, poking Wazumi's side with her board.

"Rita!" Jasmine seemed to yell and whine at the same time. "It's not going to work, if he's like the others, he won't listen and he'll kick your butt too." She noticed the boards Rita had gotten, and ran over to try to take it from her, even though it'd be dangerous to take something from her. "I really don't have any way to pay for you breaking things in the apartment."

"Oh, calm down. I didn't break anything." Rita said, walking around Wazumi. "And if he's that strong, let's dump him outside in the trash or call the cops or something."

"He don't look that tough..." Alan replied, backing away just in case.

"Oh, she's just overreacting..."

Jasmine sighed. "I'm serious. The world's not as nice and neat as it was a year ago. Not many things are going to make sense. Wazumi's one of them. Okay, Wazumi's never made sense but this is different. Acamina, the whole world, is different. Please, you two are some of the sane ones left that still know what's going on, I don't want anything to happen to any more friends. Or family. Or anyone."

Wazumi barely came to, lifting his head up. He then received a strong thwack from Rita's board, knocking him out again. "Do you mind?!? We're trying to talk here!!!" Rita yelled down at the again-unconscious Wazumi. “Stupid Cake," she muttered, referring to Brian's typical nickname for Wazumi, beings as his first name meant 'cake' in French.

Alan stepped back. "I'll let you guys talk it over..."

"You guys need to go somewhere safe," Jasmine said, turning to Rita. "You need to go home and not let Wazumi know you beat him with a part of the apartment, I still don't know how in the world I'm gonna be able to pay for that." Facing Alan, she sighed. "You're more anonymous to the others, but it's safer for you at home or something." Pausing to glance to the both of them and Wazumi, she added, "Or am I just talking and you'll still stay here?"

"We can't let him live now!" Rita exclaimed. "He turned to the dark side, and he knows what we look like! At least help me drag him down to the basement so we can tie him up..."

Alan walked up, looking at the unconscious Wazumi. "She's right, Jas. We can't just leave with him here."

"We can try..." Jasmine said, knowing that unless Rita made sure Wazumi didn't come conscious, he'd escape. She walked over, still suspicious of him waking up. "It's not technically his fault or even choice for this, someone else is pulling the strings." Turning to Alan, she added, "He hadn't seen who was down here so I doubt he knows about you, so you're still safe if you want to go and leave it to us."

Alan sat down on a nearby sofa. "I can't leave, Jas. I don't have anywhere else to go till my parents come back for me. And besides, you seem to be worrying about other things right now. You need the help."

Rita started dragging Wazumi by his feet over to the basement door. She tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge more then a couple inches. "Okay, there goes that plan..." she said, sighing. "And why is it so cold in here? Don't you even have a heater?"

Jasmine nodded. "Thanks, although I know if anything really bad happens, Aunt Emily and Uncle Keitaro would...just really not like it." She walked over to Rita, trying to not look at Wazumi. Something about him being illusioned, even if she couldn't physically see it, made her feel awkward. "I haven't been staying here, the temperature is what he'd have left it at..."

"Heh, it figures..." Rita snapped, looking at Wazumi. "Look at how warm he's dressed, while I'm freezing my marshmallows off." Jasmine shook her head, noting how Rita was dressed in a short sleeve shirt, jean shorts, shoes without socks, and her hair tied up.

"What do you think we should do with him then?" Alan asked Jasmine.

Jasmine shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think there's much we can do if he wakes up..." Jasmine began trying to figure out something that could help, knowing that Hidimon's at some random place, Lunamon's..." She shook her head. "I don't know what can be done but you two ought to get somewhere safe. I'll figure something out...I have to."

Rita walked back into the room. "We should just get somebody else to handle this. Wazumi's always boring anyway."

Chapter 19-Violence Solves Somethings