






Digimon Guide


April to June
Note-This is currently will constantly be under construction to update with character backgrounds and info.

April 12th 2004
The high school group of the Lost Digidestined go on their JROTC program's trip for leadership camp. Pirelli decides to not be left behind and takes herself and Willis with them.

April 15th 2004
During a boring dance at camp, they decide to go on a quick exploration trip to the digital world. They find an abnormally strange foggy area that, when passing through, seems to take them to another world except that they are about 4 years younger than they are, with a mix of their memories and mentalities of their real age and their younger selves, excluding Wazumi who somehow retained his human form set at age 15. They meet a boy who questions why they are in the digital world without digimon. They all introduce themselves, the boy being Ryo. They explain that they are digidestined, and as comparing differences, they find that the digital world they are currently in is not the one from their world. Before leaving, Ryo tells them that Jenni reminds him of a girl he knows back in the real world that has a major dimension obsession. They find their way back to their proper digital world and ages, and then to the real world.

April 16th 2004
The digidestined return home from camp.

April 30th 2004
The group explores more of the digital world and find village where digimon have no memories of the past, but aware that the village is run by someone inside of a nearby tower. The digidestined head over, and Pirelli decides to play with a newly found feature of her D-Terminal that causes a boy to appear. He turns out to be Sam, Ken's parallel, but doesn't appear to remember much of his past. Pirelli finds that she is unable to find a way to send him back. Giving up on that minor complicationf or now, they go in tower. While entering the main room, Pirelli lags behind talking to Sam, and Jenni stops to ask why. Wazumi exits a few minutes later saying that something strange seems to be affecting the others inside. Hidimon shields them and they go inside, finding that they had fallen for a trap, but Hidimon's shields protect them form the spells beyond just being put to sleep and sent back to the real world, where they find they are safe.

May 1st 2004
Jenni and Pirelli go back to investigate but the tower is gone.

May 3rd 2004
Jenni sees the others at school but they are all unusually mean, including Brian trying to beat her up. Pirelli sneaks off to digital world and finds people hunting for them.

May 4th 2004
Pirelli and Jenni disguise themselves, Pirelli as Ponce and Jenni as a Pokemon character named Jasmine. The girls and Sam go to digital world to look for the tower, but get spotted and flee to real world. Pirelli glitching the D-Terminal on trip back to real world somehow causes a girl that appears similar to Jenni, named Jasmine, to appear in their world, although like Sam doens't remember much about her past besides her dimensional theories. Jasmine instantly starts associating eveyrthing to her parallel universe theory and declares herself and Jenni as parallel versions of each other. Wazumi explains that since the parents everyone sees Wazumi living with aren't real, Jasmine could stay at his apartment under a coverstory that she is his cousin, while Wazumi stays at Brian's family during that time.

May 5th 2004
Jenni takes Jasmine to school and finds her LD friends still mean and her non LD friends confused. When talking to non-LD friend Michelle, a unknown boy named Dameon acts suspesious of Jenni and Jasmine, and tries to flirt with Michelle.

May 7th 2004
Jenni, Ken, and Brandy go on school fieldtrip to a college in a different city, and Hidimon tricks chaperon to letting Jasmine go too. Using a newly found ability, Hidimon takes Jenni and Jasmine into Ken's mind on the busride there, where together they find the power to remove the spell in his mind in the form of a cage keeping the real Ken trapped while a machine controls his real actions. When they exit his mind, they find Ken's back to normal.
Once at home in Acamina after the trip, Jenni and Jasmine go into the minds of the others, but fail to find any source of the spell's power there even though they can find the real selves.

May 10th 2004
Trying once again, Jenni and Jasmine find a strange soccer ball in Brian's mind, and are able to use that to free the real Brian and destroy the ball, reverting Brian to his normal self.

May 14th 2004
Hidimon panics about AJ's mind, and takes Jenni, Jasmine, and Pirelli in there. Instead of normal emptyness, they find themselves as characters in a fantasy setting, which Jenni identifies as one of the group's Dungeons and Dragon's campaign. When they encounter one of the other characters, Jenni idenifies him as one that might represent AJ, and they fight the enemy that was attacking that character, which results in freeing AJ from the spell.
When attempting to enter Brandy and Willis' minds to try to find the spell, the girls find that they are completely locked out, not even Hidimon can enter.

May 15th 2004
At the DnD session that day, Jenni and the others try to confront Brandy on the issue but she refuses to cooperate and leaves. From this point on, Brandy is only seen at school, but is always focused on schoolwork.

May 28th 2004
When the day comes, they find that Daemon almost has complete control over Brandy and Willis. In desperation, Hidimon creates psychic visions over the two, making them believe that they are incaged. Daemon refuses to help, while Jenni and the others talk to their friends. They manage to bring the Brandy and Willis out of the spell long enough for Hidimon to create a pathway for Jenni and Jasmine to destroy the spell inside.

June 12th 2004
The Lost Digidestined have a small party due to them going away for the summer, with Ken and Wazumi going back to Japan, Willis to Colorado and Brian going with him to avoid his family. Pirelli goes to New York to stay with her dad, while Jenni, AJ, and Brandy stay in Acamina but Jenni works at a day camp that Michelle will also go to. Jasmine and Sam stay at Wazumi's apartment although he mostly stays with Ken's aunt.

June 21st 2004
Jenni and Michelle's daycamp job starts, with them in separate groups but Jenni has Kenny and Ponce in her group.