






Digimon Guide


What’s New?
And...tombe. It happened again. I'll give you three chances to guess, since this is the third time. 1.....2......3......Shayde retired again. He hadn't really been on enough, and so with other real-life issues, needed to retire. Understandable, and he's still going to help as adminy stuff, just not RPing. So, that's major yet not surprising news. We have completed the time skip, and now the Hidimon conspiracy web is underway. Not that it's at all noticible how in the world my conspiracies will link up to the dork, who got herself lost in dimensions. But it will. IN a tombeish way. Savers has been dubbed and is on tv(Toon Disney, 8:30pm, all time zones). Yay for Yoshino and "This is the worst."

Now for the tombeish big news. You know how I keep ranting about the info site, and ads, and pop ups, and it being out of date? Yeah. Me too. Therefore, I'm betting this is the 2nd to last news announcement at the site. This is a good thing. Why? Yes. I'm serious. Yay for work. Yay for Jenni in teacher-credential-program. Yay for Jenni writing stories. Yay for DnD. Yay for FD. Therefore, Yay for, which will link all of these together. (In theory. The site isn't even really up yet, so this is all theory on how it'll be. But I'll try my best! I mean, I've made this site, the DF info site, the HG info site...) So, my next announcement in this news catagory will be saying when the site is going to replace this site. Of course, I won't take this site 'down', since, you never know. I'll just change all the links at the boards for the new site. yay.
And, just because I'm weird, I'll give 5 free posts to whoever tells me the secret password-T'appelle Jesuis.((Yes this is a secret name no one, not even pika, has seen before. So, if you just mention it to me, I know you've read this!))

Old News

WOW. I'm a dork. I knew I hadn't updated the infosite news for a while, but, wow. Where to start...#1-Shayde's still here. #2-Jesse found Kyle. Kyle's not coming back. #3-The wonderful people at DDT had found FD, so now trying to figure out some sort of affliliate thing, or at least RPing to learn, or something. (They're always about 3 steps ahead of us, but that's one reason I admire them, even though still 100% FDish.). #4-Half of my DnD group is joining FD(Clinton and Stacy are up and playing in this massively slow phase while preparing for the timeskip, while Kenny and Katie are still working on characters.) #5-Savers is being dubbed for the US starting this fall.

Therefore, I'm going cleaning mode. I know the guys are trying to make an info board, but I'm me. Impatient. So, watch out :-p (Note-while working on this stuff, the main site won't change, I'll just work behind the scenes with broken links. Not that I bet anyone even reeally reads the news, so it might be a massive surprise. Wee.

Okay, scratch that. Again. Shayde's back after all that in-game inactivity(my fault, regardless of what you guys say. Same for the fighting that never really happened.) Anyway, yeah. Him back, and I tested the PD sprites...they;re about a head bigger than the usual sprites. Same style, just bigger. So, kinda hard to use. Still technically availible until too difficult, but not going to automatically use the PD ones. And in other news, FD is a mess. Not RPing wise, but I realized how some areas hadn't been updated in a while. Therefore, FD cleaning time. Note that none of htis is a major rush, just organizing info and seeing if some of htose old ideas of rules we created way back when...this page was created, seeing of those rules still apply to FD today. It's almsot been a year, after all:-p(skims notes) yeah. Longer for the site. Definatley time to update. (since there's way way to many pages, it's not possible to do a total remodel with new layout and sidebar and all the fancy stuff. I have no idea how major sites do that, except they probably spend money. WHich is another questions-do the ads annoy you guys as much as they irritate me, or is it because i'm at the site too much? Anyway, latest project working on-finsihing htose parts of the dictionary i had wanted to do. (since it's 2am and can't do the discussional projects by myself:-pthen agian, if this counts as talking to myself, then...okie, bedtime.)

Once again, older news-Shayde's gone. And Kyle disappeared(we still have no idea on that one). But things this last month have been slow mostly due to me being busy with school. Okay, the next week is just as busy, but then once that's done...SPRITING TIME!!! Seriously. Pokemon Pearl and Diamond just came out in Japan. Using the same style of sprites as in the GBA games(If you've seen the sprites in the RBY or GSC games, there's a major difference). However, the actual sprites themselves are new. New people, new clothes, hair, poses...I can't wait to try to sprite again. And since I sort of haven't sprited since I made the sprite gallery, I realllly need to do that. Yesterday. ((Okay, I made sprites for my KH story, but that was helping to get back into spriting and also, we needed playing pieces for DnD...maybe I need some sort of project for the finished sprites...the HG and DF sprites's original purpose was to be in the banner...maybe we need something like that for FD...hmmmmm). I'll figure all of this out after homework. Yay.

Finally, the Dictionary is done. It's not as fancy as originally expected, but then, is making separate pages for digimon and humans needed if they already have profiles? In other news...still slowly getting profiles posted. But there may be a solution in sight-the newest thing for the boards themselves is a way to moniter posts spent, therefore people may want projects, like formating profiles or making sprites, to earn more posts. And like always, this news is always last to be updated on board events-Shayde came back. So, off to figure soemthing else to work on. Maybe those sprites...or I'll 'pay' someone to help on that too>:-p

Well, now that summer's here, I can work on projects, in theory. DF started as a summer project, after all. So, why not try. Still need to post profiles. Still have dozens of sprites to do. Still have the LDG to do. And now this new Dictionary Project that I came up with to help for any random info. So, not much to report sitewise. However, we do have a large number of new members join, which is always encouraging, but on the other hand, Shayde had to retire, so we're missing one of the older members. Looking at the past news articles, I doubt I'll ever get the 'perfect' timeline with everyone's events listed. However, we've started 'RPing' the LDAK chapters, so that's cool and useful too. I use RPing loosely since everyone still has to do the events as according to the original story, but they choose to play the character as they wish as long as they do as needed. Tombe, with all this and my stories that I eventaully need to do, will I ever be sane?

FD's started and I've been too busy finishing this person, playing in that thread, etc, to be able to post the profiles here. Now that things are slowing, I can catch up on that project, but what about the sprites for those other couple dozen new Lerkurlians? I guess same RPG types of work as before.

Okie, even though the flood of new Lerkurlians means I have more spriting ahead, I have taken all the completed sprites, and created this Sprite Gallery. Feel free to look around. I'll try to post sprites in there as I finish them and can publicly post them.

Wow, before I know it, FD's here. Okie, still transfering profiles into the new format, and it's finals time so I've yet to really work on the site, but it's here. Also, a new member groups system has created a newspaper, so I'll save this news section for info-site stuff and major FD things like, when we start:-P

So, by this point the 4 out of 5 demons are destroyed, yet we still have battles going on, and then we get the main one, and then the big conspiracy, and then we're into FD. Now, the boards are up and mostly ready. The site is ready for the most part besides projects, such as my desired complete DF timeline, the LDG project which will soon be found out(that is, soon for when normal members get to read this message, although at this rate, both the LDG and the other projects will be done. However, it's all playable; if we were done with the big conspiracy at this moment, we would just need to modify the profiles and be ready to go. jsut to get to that point.

Most of the guide is complete, so everything that is availible for general viewing is complete. (There are other projects going on, including timeline-format background, are not currently linked to the main pages. The demon part of the final battle has started, and multiple conspiracies have occured. Overall, the only delay is slowness of everyone's posting, but it's going at a decent enough rate compared to times when members are completly unavailible. Revised rules for the RPG are complete and on the site, although minor revisions may occur until the RPG starts, especially dimension rules.

Info site still under construction, and DF still in play, although we're almost to the final battle now. Other projects progressing to completion. I made a complete timeline of all pre-LD to DF events, Jesse found a season 1/2 timeline, so now working on combineing them before trying to get the timeline events for all other characters in the RPG. But due to the timing of events between the two timelines, the dates of the RPG timeine had to be move up two years. For now, the background section will remain as is(same as DF background) while the timeline events are completed in the info area at the boards.

Offical work on the digimon guide has begun. DF still in play, FD boards not constructed yet.

Um...FD is still not existing yet; I'm still working on the info site. Okay, technically I can report that it is a lot like the DF info site since i copied everything from there, so I am converting it. And yeah, today is the 2nd HG aniversary. But no real news. So I'll stop this before I keep babbling since no one is going to read this ever, or at least until the site is up.

If no new news, then no old news.