






Digimon Guide


Parellel People and digimon

Due to the similarity of different dimensions, there are some people and digimon that are "parellel" forms of another. They rarely are exactly parellel, having different names, experiences, and even digimon(or the lack of). But there is similarities in their appearance, personality, and some events.

Ken Ichijouji / Sam Ichijouji
Age - 16
Notes - Met during LD. Sam appears like Ken's brother Sam, but is parellel to Ken, excluding any digital events.

Andi Carter / Aron Anderson
Age - 14
Notes - Never met;Andi is still alive, but whereabouts are unknown, while Aron died.

Hidimon / Reukimon
Age - digimon
Notes - Both separated from their partner for a long time, although Jenni found Hidimon when she was 16 and Reukimon was unillusioned when Jasmine was 20. Both a little weird although Hidimon is insane.

Jenni Harris / Jasmine Steele
Age - 20
Notes - Best friends since 16; sharing digital/dimensional adventures until separated. Jenni had a digimon but Jasmine didn't.

Kenny Harris / 'Nick' Steele
Age - 14
Notes - Never met, but their sisters have met the two and agree they are parellel. Kenny has a digimon but Nick doesn't.