






Digimon Guide



People are allowed to create plot stories for their characters, also referred to conspiracies.

Use logic in keeping consistency. If a character should say something that makes sense to the storyline, have them say it, even if it's part of a conspiracy. If this would completely reveal the conspiracy at the wrong time, then it should be avoided. Likewise, characters that are not involved in a conspiracy can discuss a topic that seems to discuss the conspiracy if their conversation is for plot wise consistency.

Conspiracies that would be controversial, abnormal, need permission from either the admin or a Conspiracy Council Member.

Conspiracy Council
The Conspiracy Council is technically all of the admins from DF, just moved to a different position with relatively the same powers and more specific responsibilities. In addition to their typical duties and RPing, they are also responsible for making sure that conspiracies are consistent to the RPG and story.

Conspiracy Council members are not allowed to discuss conspiracies between other members, just with those involved in the conspiracy based on the original conspirator's consent. They are to try to keep conspiracies as consistent as they can to the RPG, and to the furthest extent of their knowledge without revealing conspiracies, try to prevent conspiracies from conflicting with each other.