






Digimon Guide


Rules-Human Profiles

No names for characters that're too unrealistic, unless they are code names or nicknames. Awkward names are allowed if dimensional, but dimension must be defined before name is used.
No names another character has, unless it has a good reason. Parallelness does not mean identical names. Use of identical human first or last names are acceptable, but no first/last name combinations.

No appearances that directly reference other fiction besides Digimon. Humans can resemble other characters, but not exact hairdo, or clothes
There can be humans that look somewhat(but not totally) like a Digimon, but only if there's a good reason.That is explained to either an admin.
If anyone feels the need to not put much effort into a character's appearance, this shall personally handle that character's appearance in either drawings or sprite creation

Sprite Rules
Human and digimon in human-form only.
Unless otherwise stated, sprites will be based on any available picture or description given in 'Clothing' section of profile.
Player's input on what original sprites to use for the character's sprite, along with final approval of sprite before posting as official character sprite.

Your character might not have your logic, methods of doing things. If you think something is right or wrong, and if you have more than one character, that doesn't automatically make all of your characters think and act the same way.
Logically, all characters of one player are not mentally identical to one another(especially players who have a lot of characters), so they shouldn't be RPed as if they were. All of your characters should not just agree on one thing, or act as a separate group unless there is plot wise evidence of this need of consistency. Each character needs to be independent and RPed as the different person they are.