






Digimon Guide



This is a plot-based Digimon RPG, involving interacting with multiple dimensions to stop different interdimensional threats . It is very useful to read the Info Site, especially the background section, to understand the situation.

Recommended Process
Read the Info Site, along with some of the recent posts in the RPG areas, so you are aware of major happenings in the game and how the game is run.

Important Note! I am currently planning to turn this RPG, along with the previous forms of it, and continuation RPGs that will occur, into a book series. The digimon aspect of the RPG will be changed a little in the books, but I do wish to keep the same people as close to how they are in the RPG. The digimon are changing because I do not own Digimon. Please keep this in mind when applying, so when I write the book, I don't have to change things that may be copyrighted or reflect personal info that you may not wish to be published. Thank you.

Official Joining Procedure
You will need to create a proboards acct at this site to be able to RP at this site.(it is impossible to use the exact same acct used at other proboards like ezboards has global accts.)
Do NOT create extra proboard accts at FD for use of hidden conspiracy characters.

To join, fill out the application and post it in Sign Up. There are separate applications for humans and digimon. Please post using each.
Note--Transfers from DF need to post their returning characters with the new application, due to new information being needed, which will help both the admins and yourself. No one from DF is allowed to play until they have posted in Profiles with new profile from application
Once accepted, player will be informed on their application, with a reply from one of the administrators.
Players are to re-post their human and digimon characters into the proper forums for their profiles before they are allowed to begin playing.
The profiles will be posted at the info site once the characters are played constantly. Sprites will be made as soon as possible once consistency is maintained.
PM me (Lost Digi Girl) any changes you make on your profile, so I can change the Info site

Note-A member's first character will usually become their 'main' character, and so will be the only one allowed to have double digimon. Keep this in mind for what you have planned for current and future character plans.